Why are scammers rising nowadays? My bank account just got hacked and that person withdrawn over 1k from my wallet. What can I do about it?


I just got hacked and someone stole over $1k from my account. I don't know how this happened but what can I do about it?


I have no idea how my account got hacked but someone stole $1k from my account.

A scammer is someone who pretends to be someone else in order to get your money. They can be anyone from an IRS agent to a judge, and they usually try to avoid paying people back after stealing their money.

The most important thing you can do is report the incident as soon as possible so they can't use your account anymore and delete all of your information before taking anything else. If you don't do this, it makes it harder for them because there will be less evidence against them in court if anything happens later on down the road (and chances are pretty high that something will).

What can I do?

If you're the victim of an online scam, it's important to act quickly. Here are some tips for how to proceed:

  • Call the police. They'll be able to help you file a report and pursue criminal charges against the scammer if they're caught red-handed (or blue).

  • Call your bank. They can also help by providing information on how to block future withdrawals or freeze your account until further notice. Also, if there's any money left in your account after all these steps have been taken, they may send it back so that you can use it towards paying bills or other expenses related to this incident—this is called "reimbursement."

  • Contact the bank that issued credit cards used by scammers because those companies might require them too; most banks will let customers know what happened and give them access if needed!

protect yourself against scammers and I hope this doesn't happen to anyone else.

  • Use two-factor authentication.

  • Don't share your password with anyone, and don't click on links from unknown sources.

  • Check your bank account regularly for fraudulent activity.


I hope this post will be helpful to you and that you don't get scammed by scammers.